One of my SMPL brands and technically the original project that started me on the road of mvp building. The original goal was to create a set of standard office documents that could be easily formatted and updated based on customers needs. I was working on my first SaaS project at work and documents seem a lot easier to work on solo than any real product. It was honestly just a low hanging fruit in my mind.The project had its first GIT commit in late 2015 when I had the original idea. This was back when a few similar products were coming on the market. If you are curious and want to check when a site like this was started you can google "TOS generator" and then look up the registration date in ICANN, then lastly go to and check out the site back around 2016 to 2018. Most sites were talking about protecting yourself and your business or how to optimize your workflow with the document tool. I was selling batteries included documents that just served as a step in your process, which is what the market eventually went to later on around 2019.Honestly I pulled the plug too soon and should have gone in on this one but at that time I didn't have the experience to understand where I was in the market, let alone what a market was. If I was to do it today I feel the market still is underserved on "no disruption forms". Despite the opportunity I found it incredibly boring and you only walk on this dirt ball for so long.So I moved on to other things.